Big Game hunting is well-supported in the Sangre de Cristo Ranches. Colorado offers 10 big game species including elk, deer (mule and whitetail), moose, bear, and pronghorn. Small-game and waterfowl are also plentiful, including fox, lynx, coyote, badger, pheasant, goose, dove and duck. Over 5,000 acres of Greenbelt are dedicated to public hunting and recreation. The Sangre de Cristo Ranches are located in Unit 83, which is home to a large population of grouse and elk. The Trinchera elk herd population is one of the largest in the region with over 15,000 animals. The Costilla deer herd population is nearly 3,000. For more variety, Costilla County is home to deer, pronghorn sheet, and antelope. If you are an avid hunter, several parcels above 9,000’ are nestled in the Greenbelt, or right outside the boundary of the Greenbelt.
The Sangre de Cristo Ranches is South of Hwy-160 and East of Hwy-159 and covers approximately 60,000 acres. Sangre de Cristo Ranches (SDCR) ranges in elevation from about 7,500 up to 14,000 ft. There are about 400 miles of roads in the area. With ownership, or the permission of the landowner, hunting is permitted. Elk are usually above 10,000 for the first and second hunting seasons, but will move down after a heavy snow. The Trinchera Elk herd boasts a high bull to cow ratio of approximately 70 bulls for every 100 cows. The Costilla deer herd also has a very good bull-to-doe ratio of approximate 40 per every 100 does.
Does and Cows start moving down from the high elevations in late October and early November. Archery and Muzzle-loading season are in September.
Colorado Law prohibits shooting across roads and within 1/4 mile of occupied residences.