7 Ways to Make Undeveloped Land More Valuable
e24 land undeveloped land for sale

7 Ways to Make Undeveloped Land More Valuable

Buying undeveloped land is a great way to invest in real estate, especially considering the potential for growth over time. The reasons for buying land vary from wanting to build a dream home to just planting trees to offset their carbon footprint. Others wish to partake in all the adventures undeveloped land can bring and grow crops. Whatever the case, all land buyers want their land to increase in value. 

Therefore, you need to secure your investment by ensuring you are doing everything possible to increase its value down the road. 

We’ve compiled seven ways that you can make your undeveloped land more valuable. Keep reading!

#1 Build on Your Land

One of the most effective ways to dramatically increase the value of your land is to build on it. It will shift from undeveloped land to developed land. However, the ROI will be significant if you have the money to invest. 

You will reap the intrinsic value of the land due to its limited supply plus what you decide to build, whether it be a mansion, a tiny home, a small cabin in the woods, or a commercial building. Now you possess a structural value plus land value. 

To add value, you can also build a barn, shed, or other structures.

#2 Do a Survey, Then Clean Up and Level the Land

If you don’t plan to build on the land, you should still survey the land. A surveyor will walk the property and identify any obstacles to development, such as trees, creeks, or houses nearby. They’ll also mark the boundaries of the land and its topography—whether it’s flat or hilly—and any easements or covenants that could affect what you can build on that land in the future.

Once you have this information from your surveyor, it’s time to get cleanup crews out there! Cleaning up undeveloped land is like cleaning up an attic: You can never tell what treasures are hiding behind boxes until they’re out where everyone can see them! 

Removing brush piles will give potential buyers an idea of how large their building sites might be, while removing overgrowth lets them see what lies beyond those trees (and sometimes even helps reveal hidden ponds!).

#3 Ensure There is Access to the Property

It is essential to make sure there is access to the property. Sometimes this means installing an actual driveway that leads down from the road. However, this may not be easy for some landowners who don’t have enough space or live in areas where roads don’t exist. If you do have enough room and access isn’t an issue, installing a driveway would be beneficial. It provides more convenience for potential buyers: they won’t have to walk through muddy fields or climb over fences just to get onto your land!

Some undeveloped land, however, is considered landlocked. If this is the case, you will want to arrange an easement deal with the neighbors. This is commonplace with landlocked undeveloped land. This is a big deal to potential buyers to ensure they will not have a problem getting to the property.

#4 Maximize Utility Access for Potential Buyers

One way to do this is to buy land close to a power pole. They may not be the prettiest structures, but they indicate growth in the area. Additionally, selling the land increases the value since the new buyer can easily access electricity.

Another way is to go ahead and secure a water well and septic permit. To have a septic system installed, you will need to apply for a permit from your local county health department before you begin the construction of your home or business. Similarly, to install a water well on a property that does not already have one, you must apply for another permit from your local county or city office. The good news is: that these permits are easy to obtain!

Next is to get a percolation test. This means your buyers will be confident that a well can be installed and water will be produced, thus increasing the value.

#5 Lease the Land

If you’re looking for some passive income, lease the land.

Lease the land to a farmer, Let them use it for agriculture, and you can get rent. This works exceptionally well if the undeveloped land is next to farmland or if it’s close enough that they could build a barn on your property.

Lease the land to a developer. Suppose you have some perfect land for building houses but not yet zoned into residential areas  In that case, you might want to consider leasing it out as an opportunity for someone else who wants to make good use of this kind of space without having all their capital tied up in buying it outright just yet.

Lease the land to a business  If you have a commercial property available but don’t want any responsibility for maintaining what goes on there (or perhaps even if you do), consider leasing out those spaces instead of selling them outright  This way, everyone wins  You get money from somewhere other than selling real estate, and businesses can achieve what they need.

#6 Build a Fence

Fences can be made from wood, metal, or stone  Fences are used to keep animals in or out of an area. They’re also useful for keeping people out of your property—and sometimes vice versa!

A good fence can turn undeveloped land into a well-kept piece of property that’s attractive to buyers and improves the value of adjacent properties.

#7 Plant Grass, Trees, Gravel

Planting grass is a great way to improve the value of your undeveloped land.  Whether natural or artificial, it can help prevent weeds from growing and improve drainage.  It also serves as an excellent foundation for gravel driveways and pathways, which can be a good way to improve the look of undeveloped land

Gravel can keep weeds away while adding beauty to your property.

If the land has no trees at all, planting trees is appealing for various reasons  They can add privacy where none exists and it can be environmentally pleasing  All adding value.

We hope that we have given you some ideas for how to develop and make your undeveloped land more valuable  If you are in the market for undeveloped land, don’t be afraid to explore all options available and talk to local experts  It is a critical step to do all your due diligence on the land to understand its value.

If you have any questions about the undeveloped land E24 Land sells, don’t hesitate to contact us at (636) 695-8800  We’re happy to help!

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